Promises of the Program

“Can we transform these calamities into assets, sources of growth and comfort to ourselves and those about us?” —Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions p. 113

The Recovery Art Collective was born out of a desire to help our clients and others in recovery flex their creative muscles and grow spiritually.

Multiple staff members utilize art as a means of expression, and we believe that so many could benefit from this program in the same way. Because, after all, finding new ways to express ourselves spiritually is one of the many things we’re doing in our programs!

The Recovery Art Collective is a community-based, non-clinical art program that is all-inclusive, open to any adults who want to embrace their creativity and can be facilitated by anyone. So, if you have an innovative idea, we’d love to hear it!

Art in Action

Watch some of our amazing artists as they transform our Intensive Outpatient Program space, filling it with beautiful, unique works of art. This was our original Art of Recovery event.

How It Started

During Covid-19, we had to alter our vision of our annual fundraiser and take it virtual. Art of Recovery was created and has since become an in-person gala. (You can find out more about Art of Recovery on our events page!) It was the first time Solutions had introduced anything art-related into our organization. Since then, inviting clients to participate in something artistic during their stay has become more and more common. Art has become a part of our vision, and we have seen remarkable things happen!


  • To be beneficial and available to all
  • To enable participants to release tensions through self-expression
  • To help others embrace playfulness and the life-affirming pleasures of creativity
  • To use our campus as the community’s canvas
  • To invite local artists to participate (and maybe facilitate!)
  • To raise awareness of our mission and vision


  • Board meetings every 2nd Thursday of each month from 12 – 1 pm. Email Leslie at to sign up.
  • Scheduled art days with Solutions’ clients and the community (must be 18+)
  • Supplies and materials provided
  • Guided by a fellow creative (mediums change per event)
  • Volunteers will help set up, tear down, and take part in the event

Want to support or take part in the Recovery Art Collective?

“Creating art showed me I could still do something good.”

“When I first got to Solutions, I was beaten and broken. I felt like I wasn’t good at anything and that I had nothing to offer. I didn’t know anyone and had no clue what I was supposed to be doing with myself.

“My first week, I attended the first art day and was able to put my energy into something beautiful and to meet some of the people there, both clients and staff alike. From then on, I attended every art day I could! Being able to create things freely helped me to know that I could still do something good… BE something good.

“The art program helped to rekindle my love of art and helped me get back the creative spark that I thought I had lost when I, myself, had been lost at rock bottom.” —A Solutions Graduate