Promises of the Program

“We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook on life will change.” – The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous p. 83-84

These are the promises of the 12-Step program. At Solutions, we utilize a 12-Step philosophy, ensuring that if someone works this program, those promises will be fulfilled. Through helping people get sober for almost 15 years, we have seen so many wonderful changes in attitudes and outlooks. First and foremost, our clients realize that they’re not alone anymore and that there are solutions to their problems.

comfortable living room with couch and built-in bookshelves - Laurelwood House - Residential Program at SONTX - Solutions of North Texas - Denton County Transitional Housing

Once they get a job, they gain confidence in working. They have pride in earning their own money and paying their own bills. They experience financial stability – some for the first time. They learn that they CAN be independent. They are held accountable and thrive because of it. They start understanding and believing in their responsibility to themselves and their community.

Their family life changes. They learn how to love others, mend broken fences, build better relationships and communication with their families, set boundaries and respect boundaries set by others, stop people pleasing, and so much more!

They become thoroughly involved in the recovery community. They start building healthy relationships and friendships with others. They experience a purpose-filled life. They find happiness in their sobriety. They feel better mentally, physically, and spiritually. They begin to truly understand themselves.

We believe that all can recover from their addiction, if they’re willing to follow simple direction. Life in addiction does not have to be the end of your story – let us help you turn the page.

Two main goals

  • Teach our clients how to get sober
  • Teach our clients how to be financially and emotionally independent

Structure of the Residential Program

  • Level System – 1 through 4
  • 12-Step immersive programming
  • Job search program
  • Budgeting education and guidance
  • Financial accountability and guidance
  • Transition meeting – What’s next for you?
  • Work with a sponsor – complete the 12 Steps
  • Education on public speaking and carrying the message
  • Household chore system
  • Household mentorship
  • House events (includes life stories)
  • Case management including progress reviews
  • Family sessions and guidance
  • Legal coordination and guidance
  • Codependency meetings and guidance
  • Community service
  • Level checks with house staff
  • On-site 12-Step meetings
  • Random drug and alcohol testing
  • Tiered curfew system

Interested in the Residential Program?

Fill out the enrollment application here:

Then and Now

Beginning in 2006 with residential programming, Founder and Executive Director Scott Wisenbaker had one goal: to keep 10 men “out of the ground”.

Our residential program has since expanded to 32 beds for men and 32 beds for women, as well as a “return-to-monitor” house that reunites mothers with their children.

And we’re not going to stop there. Solutions will continue to grow and guide as many as we can toward a new life free from addiction.

exterior view of Residential Program housing at SONTX - Solutions of North Texas - Denton, Texas Sober Living - DFW Substance Abuse Treatment

The Residential Program is about more than being sober!

We teach our clients how to address every facet of their recovery – mind, body, and spirit. We also teach them the life skills that have been deprioritized throughout their addiction, which can be as simple as cooking an egg to balancing their checkbooks. We believe in addressing the addiction and self-sufficiency because it prepares our clients for an independent life after Solutions.

Case Management

Solutions of North Texas takes an individualized approach to understanding how and why addiction disrupts every facet of people’s daily lives. Case management not only addresses these problems, it also provides support and encouragement which helps our clients maintain long-term sobriety.

In the initial case management session, pending legal issues will be assessed, health and overall wellness will be discussed, and a brief orientation of the program will be provided.

Throughout the remainder of the client’s stay, they will meet with their Case Manager for regular progress reviews which are designed to track progress through our residential program, assess needs for referrals, and aid clients in meeting their goals.

The Case Manager also addresses the following with the client:

  • Family wellness – clients are given guidance on what healthy relationships look like and how to attain that goal, how to respect boundaries set forth by their loved ones, and how to establish their own boundaries. Overall, the client is given the tools they need to mend the fences broken by active addiction.
  • Education Goals – clients who are interested in attending college are provided with guidance and planning assistance to meet that goal.
  • Job Search Program – our residential clients are required to work or go to school full-time while in our program. Our intensive job search program teaches the client where to look for work, how to fill out applications or build a resume, what the interview process entails, and how to address their criminal backgrounds if applicable. On average, our residential clients find a job within 12-14 days.
  • Budgeting and Financial Planning – a main goal of our programming is to teach our clients how to be financially independent. Once they start earning money, we work closely with each client, teaching them healthy financial planning and budgeting, as well as the benefits of a savings.
  • Re-Entry Planning – prior to our clients graduating from the residential program, they meet with their Case Manager to discuss what’s next, such as, independent housing options, financial stability, and how to balance their new life while integrating recovery.

In the House

Safe and Structured Housing – Each residential unit is structured to provide a safe, clean, and accountable recovery program for all clients. We have live-in house managers, random drug and alcohol screenings, household chore systems, in-house events led by clients, and much more. We believe in fostering relationships with others in early recovery, as well as relationships with alumni who are involved in the houses and with the new clients. All residential units are located in Denton, TX.

12-Step Recovery Model – We utilize the 12-Step model of recovery. Clients work with a sponsor through the 12 Steps and attend mandatory meetings.

Faith-Based Track – Recovered Thru Christ is a hybrid 12-Step and Bible study meeting. If interested, clients can request more information from their Case Manager.

Drug and Alcohol Screenings – Clients are randomly screened for substance use. This ensures that we keep a safe and clean household but more importantly, it keeps our clients accountable to their sobriety.

Mentoring Program – All clients are paired with a mentor during their stay. These mentors help new clients assimilate into the residence and understand our schedule and program.

Food – We provide food for all residential clients.

stylish and comfortable living room with couch - Men's House at SONTX - Solutions of North Texas - Denton Transitional Living