As a charity, Solutions of North Texas relies heavily on fundraising events and wonderful supporters such as yourself. Holding these events ensures that our programming stays affordable and accessible to ALL who suffer with alcoholism and drug addiction.

Art of Recovery Banquet

May 1, 2025, 5:30 PM

Join us for our annual fundraiser, supporting men and women as they embark upon their recovery journey! All proceeds go to keeping our treatment services affordable and accessible to all. So, if you’re interested in breaking a main barrier to treatment (money), please join us and have a blast doing it!

If you’re interested in supporting and attending this event, please call Casey at 940-898-6202 or email See you all there!

Art of Recovery Banquet - Solutions of North Texas - SONTX

North Texas Giving Day

September 19, 2024

North Texas Giving Day, powered by Communities Foundation of Texas, is an 18-hour giving extravaganza that empowers people to give back to their communities by supporting local nonprofits and causes they care about.

Since 2009, this platform has not only helped raise awareness of local nonprofits, it has also ignited a broad culture of community-wide giving. Join us and show your support each September for North Texas Giving Day!

North Texas Giving Day

Christmas Celebration

December 19, 2025 | 7 pm to 9 pm

The holidays can be a stressful time, especially for those in early recovery. They’ve come into a new place with new people and are being guided toward a new way of life. The families are in a whole new situation as well. To provide some relief from stressful situations during the holiday season, we host a Christmas Party for our clients, their families, staff, and our alumni.

This is a wonderful night filled with love and unity. We get to eat, spend time with those we love most, and enjoy each other’s company. In addition to the party, we also provide presents to all our clients. This season and the joy provided to the clients is made possible by our passionate staff and our church partner: Cross Timbers Hope Center.

If you’d like to assist us in making the holidays as wonderful as they can be for our clients and staff, submit a gift today! What better time to join together and help people than Christmas?

Spare a Roll

Week of July 28th

Drop-off hours are between 8 am and 5 pm

As a nonprofit that houses 64 clients in our residential units, we’re sure you can imagine that we go through a ton of toilet paper and paper towels. Paper products are one of our biggest expenses at Solutions, and we need your help!

We are hosting a week-long drop-off drive where all supporters can bring a pack of toilet paper and/or paper towels to the Solutions campus during drop-off hours.

So… can you Spare a Roll?

SONTX - Spare a Roll Event

Want to Learn More or Get Involved?