Understanding the Disease Model of Addiction (aka Brain Disease Model)

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Doctors and scientists who study addiction classify it as a disease using what’s called the brain disease model of addiction (sometimes shortened to the disease model of addiction). Because addiction is a complex and often misunderstood disease, we regularly come across people—even people suffering from addiction themselves—who don’t believe it’s [...]

How Nonprofits Help Communities: Making Your Community Safer by Helping the Less Fortunate

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Nonprofits like Solutions of North Texas (SONTX) play a crucial role in their communities, but you might be wondering, specifically, how nonprofits help communities that they're a part of. In almost all cases, they’re providing services that people with financial constraints can’t get anywhere else. By doing so, they’re usually [...]

  • Hands holding heart. How to help a charity without donating money.

How to Help Charities Without Donating Money: 6 Powerful Ways You Can Make a Difference

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  We often have people ask us how they can help charities without donating money. In today’s world, where prices are high and budgets are tight, there are still plenty of people who want to help but can’t do it by opening their wallets. Fortunately, when it comes to supporting [...]

  • Box of hundred dollar bills and the word "donate" next to a heart. Why give to a charity?

5 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Give to a Charity

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In a world that often feels consumed by chaos and negativity, it's easy to forget the incredible impact that a single act of kindness can have, which is why you should give to a charity if you have the ability to do so. When you choose to give to a [...]

  • image of two head profiles with text that reads "DUAL SPONSORSHIP: IS IT RIGHT FOR ME?"

Dual Sponsorship: Is It Right for Me?

10:02 am|0 Comments

I Am a Recovered Codependent. The definition of codependency that I most agree with is “a progressive and habitual illness of the mind, where the thoughts, feelings, actions, and inactions of others becomes an obsession, which then leads to objectionable behavior”. That is my experience....and when I speak of being [...]

  • young woman facing away from camera outside with her arms stretched out - codependency

What Is Codependency?

3:41 pm|0 Comments

What Is Codependency? The Allergy to People: Explained When I first heard the term “codependency”, I thought it referred to those whose lives depended on another’s actions and that the dependence was reciprocal. Boy, I was so wrong and so right at the same time. Codependency IS very much someone [...]

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